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Moving forward in the Innovation Ecosystem; Sattari: Boushehr Province Will Become the Pole of Oil and Gas Technologies with the Help of Knowledge-based Companies.

Moving forward in the Innovation Ecosystem; Sattari: Boushehr Province Will Become the Pole of Oil and Gas Technologies with the Help of Knowledge-based Companies.


Pointing out his three trips to Boushehr Province from last year to the current year, the vice president for science and technology affairs stated: we witness the growth of the innovation ecosystem in the province each time we travel here. The opening of several new buildings in the Science and Technology Park and Bushehr University could create a new environment for the technology nuclei formed by the province"s youth to become dynamic and growing companies.

According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Sattari affirmed: every time I travel to this province, we see new ideas and technology companies, which shows the level of motivation and dynamism of the youth of this region. In addition to the newly established facilities, the Vice-Presidency will again support the development of activities in the province"s Science and Technology Park, and the necessary investment will be made in this regard.

He mentioned: we are trying to ensure that the ecosystem of the country"s knowledge-based economy sees balanced growth throughout the country. At present, more than 5,000 knowledge-based companies are active in the country, and their sales exceeded 120,000 billion Tomans last year. The size of the knowledge-based economy and its growth is such that it cannot be ignored. We are trying to meet all the development needs of this ecosystem, both in terms of infrastructure development and in the financial field.

Pointing out the projects opened in Boushehr Province, the vice president for science and technology affairs continued: the complexes that were inaugurated during this trip and the memorandums that were signed provide the ground for the youth of technology and knowledge-based companies active in the field of technology to be more open to help solve the problems of the province.

Sattari talked about the high potential of the region in the oil and gas industry and biotechnology and explained: the Vice-Presidency has aimed to increase the participation of local companies in technologies related to areas such as oil, gas and marine biotechnology. The contracts signed and the technological products produced by the province"s technology companies are all supported by this strategy. The knowledge-based economy thinking approach considers development to rely on the local abilities of each province. We hope that Bushehr province, with the help of the province"s knowledge-based and technology companies, will become a hub for oil and gas and biotechnology technologies in the country.

The first part of the travel to Bouhehr included the opening ceremony of Persian Gulf Pearl Innovation Tower, which is established with the financial support of the Vice-Presidency.

Visiting the exhibition of products related to the battle against corona, technological products in the oil gas and a greenhouse project was another part of this trip.

Sattari also visited several accelerators working in the fields of digital content, animations, gas and oil. Earlier, at the signing ceremony of the tripartite memorandum of understanding in the field of water, he expressed hope that with the quantitative and qualitative development of technology companies active in the field of water, the challenges in this field can be managed with the help of technology.

He also met with the managers of knowledge-based companies of the province during visiting the exhibition and attended the meeting of economy of resistance and production leap in the presence of provincial authorities.


  • News group : NEWS,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 51168

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